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Homeowner Leads for Anchorage, AK

Geopoint Data specializes in producing real estate leads and segmenting them out just for you. Choose from Distressed Homeowners, Reverse Mortgage Properties, Motivated Landlords, and many more. Get started with our list builder to generate leads for Anchorage, AK and most locations nationwide.

We strive to be the #1 service to buy motivated home seller and motivated landlord leads. We process your order immediately upon ordering and deliver the results to your inbox in minutes. We specialize in providing nationwide real estate data (for example: vacant, absentee, high-equity, free and clear, low-equity, and more). Get started by placing an order with our user-friendly list builder today. Upon placing your order, your results will be delivered to your inbox in a manner of minutes. If you have specific list requirements or questions, please contact our support team and they will provide you assistance.

Data Available For Anchorage, AK

Motivator Flag Count (est.)
Vacant 3271
Low Income 3609
High Income 9112
Low Credit 2522
High Credit 27999
60+ 10905
Empty-Nesters 11876
View all of the motivator flags with our list builder.
Popular cities in Alaska: Juneau, Sitka, Fairbanks, Wasilla