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Smart Real Estate Pros Get the Unfair Advantage with Predictive Seller Intelligence

Geopoint Data’s advanced algorithmic models analyze over 150 robust data points to predict homeowner selling likelihood with a striking 537% increase in accuracy. Our proprietary predictive scoring system pinpoints primed seller prospects first.

You’ll gain access to these high-conversion seller leads ahead of competitors. With hyper-targeted property insights and owner details, you can strategically connect with motivated sellers ready to act now. Maximize deal flow and profits by reaching hot prospects before they cool off.

Explore Our Solutions
Clients use our data for

Bulk Mailers

Cold Call & Text

Social Media

Door Knocking

Our Solutions

Precision Data Lists for Higher Conversions

Stop wasting marketing spend on unqualified homeowners. Our targeted lead databases deliver higher conversion rates, maximizing your ROI.

The proprietary lists that were once exclusive are now publicly accessible, providing you with a competitive advantage. You can leverage filters to locate your ideal prospects, such as vacant properties, high-income individuals, empty nesters, properties that are free and clear, or those owned by multi-property landlords.

With Geopoint Data’s precision targeting, you’ll accelerate sales cycles by focusing solely on primed, likely-to-convert prospects. Save time and resources while increasing deal flow.

Build Your List Now

Skip Tracing

Already have your data, but lists are incomplete? Our skip-trace append is the fastest way to complete your lead list with data that moves your business forward. We warehouse over 175MM landlines, 250MM cell phones and 150MM email addresses to fill in the gaps on your lead lists with the highest quality homeowner information.

Why Choose Geopoint Data?

100% Match Rate lists

Our lists come with the option to add cell phone numbers, landlines and emails. No need to skip trace our lists, you can start marketing to your list instantly!

Nationwide Data

We warehouse over 99% of all homes in America. If you are looking for property or homeowner contact information anywhere is the US we are your one stop shop solution!

Focus on sales, not issues

Our amazing Support team is always there to help you grow you business & take care

Constantly Updated Leads

People move, change phone numbers, and emails all the time. While other companies resell data, we own all the data we warehouse which is updated as often as possible.

What People Say About Us

Get started with Real Estate Leads using Predictive Data